Thursday, 14 March 2013

Today's big topic..

So everyone is talking about the closure of Google Reader, I for one am gutted... I don't tend to use anything else for following other blogs or allowing other blogs to follow me.
I do have a link to my BlogLovin in my side bar. Which is what I will be switching too!
Let me know what you're switching too so I can follow your blog elsewhere...

I also love to use Twitter to get information, use bbloggers chat and talk to anyone lovely.. you can follow me at nicolamai_ 

Nicola Mai..x


Lorna Patrick said...

My bloglovin link is :) let me know if you follow and like it! x

Tiffany-talks... said...

I'm going over to BlogLovin :)

Unknown said...

Thank you! :)

Follow my blog with Bloglovin